The Rise of Dairy Farming |Turning Points in Wisconsin History …
Wisconsin Historical Society
The Rise of Dairy Farming. Wheat was the earliest and most important cash crop for white settlers in Wisconsin. It required a small initial capital investment and was fairly easy to grow, allHome – History of Wisconsin Farming and dairy industry – UWSSLEC …
Dec 7, 2015 – Long before Wisconsin became a state on May 29, 1848, it was a dairy and farming area. Two of our major industries are dairy products (milk, …
[PDF]The Rise of Dairy Farming…/wisconsinhistory/…/agriculture/The%20Rise%20of%20Dair…
one-sixth of the wheat grown in the nation came from Wisconsin. The early success of wheat farming helped Wisconsin’s agriculture develop more rapidly than it …owing farmers to harvest two crops a year.
A History of Agriculture in Wisconsin (1922) – University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin‑Madison