The Ocala evening star. (Ocala, Fla.)

Augusta, Ga., Feb. 4. Dr. A. N.
Culberson, a physician of Evans, Ga. was shot to death by citizens early
this morning. He was charged with criminally assaulting the daughter of
Magistrate Martinez.Dr. Culberson was  a native of North Carolina and frequently in

He. terrorized the country by whipping and shooting negroes, shooting out tail lights of automobiles and other escapades. His body was riddled with bullets and left in the yard till an inquest can be held this afternoon.

The Spanish American. volume November 07, 1908,

Squanders $4,000,000 in Five Years
WASHINGTON. Countess Julia W.
L. Seckendorf
, the dashing beauty who rose from lady’s maid to mistress
of millions of dollars, through which she ran in five years, declares that
she had no regrets because her fortune has been squandered.

The countess Is now said to be at least $100,000 In debt, and was forced
to undergo the humiliation of suing the last of her property sold at a debt

“I spent It when I had It,” the beautiful countess Is reported to have re
marked to a friend. “I haven’t any regrets now that It is
gone. Some people have money, but they won’t spend it. Frankly, I cannot see what good it does them.”

The career of the countess, who is .an American girl, is as romantically
Interesting as that of any woman in the world.
Once the lavish entertainer of cabinet members, ambassadors, senators
and social lights in Washington, the
Countess Seckendorf, who five years ago fell heir to the $4,000,000 estate
of her second spouse, gained a reputation as a spender, tearfully watched
her last possessions passing into the hands of others to the accompaniment
of the droning voices of auctioneers.

It is said that the countess owes about $100,000, although the figure has
not been authoritatively announced. Some years ago, Miss Julia Davidson,
the present countess, entered the employ of Mrs. John O. Donner as maid.
The Donners had a daughter named Elsie, and Miss Davidson cared for the
About six years ago, Mrs. Donner died and Donner married Miss David
son. Immediately the house became the center of social life among the
wealthy people of the district. Servants seemed everywhere, and the new
Mrs. Donner began to enjoy life to the utmost.

Her millionaire husband was devoted to her and his affection was re
turned. Elsie, Donner’s daughter, still
on the estate.

After Donner’s death five years ago, Mrs. Donner came into the great fortune. She went to Washington and mingled with the fashionable set there,
meeting the count, who captured her heart. She soon squandered her money.