by Terry Houghland | Apr 13, 2016 | Factory
CONDITIONS JN PHOTO CARD FACTORY EXPOSED The Day Book today forced an investigation of the photo card factory of Taprell, Loomis & Co., at 1727 Indiana avenue. Conditions there are described as horrible by Mrs. M. E. Franks, the woman who exposed the rot tenness...
by Terry Houghland | Apr 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
Dunning — the name scared Chicagoans for many decades. It was the common name for the Cook County Hospital for the Insane, which served as both an asylum and a poorhouse. Dunning hovers in the background of Alchemy of Bones … playing a prominent role later in...
by Terry Houghland | Apr 8, 2016 | crime
The day book. (Chicago, Ill.) November 20, 1911 The day book. (Chicago, Ill.) November 20, 1911 Gertrude’ Gibson Patterson was Staged in”the criminal court here.’ today. . – She was on trial for the murder of her husband, Charles’...
by Terry Houghland | Apr 5, 2016 | Hobo Lifestyle, Hobos, Resources
The day book. (Chicago, Ill.) May 01, 1913, HOBOES ARE NOT TRAMPS, AS PEOPLE THINK- THEY’RE THE RESULT OF GREED OE CAPITAL BY JANE WHITAKER I am going to tell you of one of the greatest evils inflicted by capital ism upon labor. There are over a million hoboes...
by Terry Houghland | Apr 5, 2016 | Hobo Lifestyle, Hobos, Resources
The day book. (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, December 09, 1916, HOBO COLLEGE TO OPEN FIRST SEMESTER SUNDAY NIGHT The International Hobo College will begin its first semester of the 1916-17 college year with a meeting Sunday night, at which many prominent people of the...
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