Conditions in Photo Shp Factory exposed

CONDITIONS JN PHOTO CARD FACTORY EXPOSED The Day Book today forced an investigation of the photo card factory of Taprell, Loomis & Co., at 1727 Indiana avenue. Conditions there are described as horrible by Mrs. M. E. Franks, the woman who exposed the rot tenness...

Dunning Asylum

Dunning — the name scared Chicagoans for many decades. It was the common name for the Cook County Hospital for the Insane, which served as both an asylum and a poorhouse. Dunning hovers in the background of Alchemy of Bones … playing a prominent role later in...

Trial of Gertrude Patterson

The day book. (Chicago, Ill.)  November 20, 1911   The day book. (Chicago, Ill.) November 20, 1911 Gertrude’ Gibson Patterson was Staged in”the criminal court here.’ today. . – She was on trial for the murder of her husband, Charles’...

Hobo’s Are Not Tramps

The day book. (Chicago, Ill.) May 01, 1913, HOBOES ARE NOT TRAMPS, AS PEOPLE THINK- THEY’RE THE RESULT OF GREED OE CAPITAL BY JANE WHITAKER I am going to tell you of one of the greatest evils inflicted by capital ism upon labor. There are over a million hoboes...