19th and 20th century news events

The Ocala evening star. (Ocala, Fla.) BAD WHITE MAN LYNCHED BY CITIZENS OF A GEORGIA BURG Augusta, Ga., Feb. 4. Dr. A. N. Culberson, a physician of Evans, Ga. was shot to death by citizens early this morning. He was charged with criminally assaulting the daughter of...

Crime stories from the past

March 05, 1906 BOY CONFESSES ROBBERY. Wisconsin Bank Mystery Solved by Arrest of Messenger. MADISON, Wis., March s.—The mystery over the disappearance of $1000 between the Bank of Wisconsin and the state bank of this city some weeks ago, has been solved by the ar rest...

The Hermit of Mineral City

April 07, 1880 THE HERMIT. A PATHETIC TALE OF MINING LIFE “.Away up on the main range the Sierra Madre of the Rocky Mountains, twelve thousand feet above the sea rests a little mining camp of some twenty or twenty-five rough log cabins. Right on the edge of...

Limits of Radio

Literary Digest April 7, 1923 We are constantly reading of the enormous possibilities of the  radio, says a writer in the London daily news, but they are often over estimated. A popular idea,  for instance, is that the time will come when we can step into a radio...